Sunday, June 14, 2009

Inappropriate Civil War Sex Humor!

Clover:  I went to the D & A show at the New Mart this afternoon and was inspired by these boots with shiny old fashioned buttons and decided my new look should be Sexy Confederate Soldier.  I felt like you would be behind this.

Male Friend: Wow, I guess I'll have to oust Stonewall Jackson, my long-standing Sexy Confederate posterboy.  If you can work in a long gray beard somewhere you got the gig.

Clover: Stonewall?  And here I thought you liked to hate cum on Ulysses S. Grant's face.  Shows what I know.

Male Friend: Now I gotta jerk off to that.  Thanks a lot!

Clover: No no.  Go back to antebellum hoop skirts with no panties underneath and delicate fainting at the sight of large "members".

Male Friend:  Too late I just bukkaked a 50 dollar bill.